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The New Age Role Model - Virat Kohli

If there is one individual who is a role model for almost every individual, it has to be Viral Kohli. Virat has today captured the imagination of the entire country. He has already achieved a lot but still has many more years left. This month's issue, we look at what makes Virat truly “Vira” (huge) in the game that entire nation follows. The Rise: Virat today has the entire nation's following, is warmly adored by his fans while oppositions truly fear him. His rise from a humble background to a cricketing superstar has not been less than an inspiration. From the struggling days in junior cricket to making a mark in the national cricket team and later becoming the captain, is no easy task and his entire journey has been before us. Kohli's love for cricket was visible from very early age when, as a three-year old kid, he would pick up a cricket bat, start swinging it and ask his father to bowl at him. Kohli's father took Kohli to a professional cricket academy af

Life Without Limbs: Nick Vujicic

Imagine yourself getting through a single day without one arm or leg. Now imagine yourselves living a life without any arms or legs. We probably won't even dare to dream such a scenario. In this issue's inspirational story, we look at Nick who is not only living a worthy life but also inspiring and transforming the lives of others. Early Life: Nicholas Vujicic was born 4 th  December 1982 in Melbourne, Australia to Serbian immigrants from Yugoslavia. He was born without any limbs, a very rare medical condition called tetra-amelia syndrome. After birth, even his mother refused to see or hold him after the nurse brought the newborn child to him. Finally, she and her husband accepted him “as God's plan for their son”. Originally, he was born with the toes of one foot fused in a leg. An operation was performed to separate it into two toes so that it could be used to hold things together. The early days were very difficult for Nick. Right during his childhood, Nick no

It's Never Too Late: The Story Of Sanders (KFC FAME)

Have you have been rejected and failed many times in life? Do you think your time has passed to do or start something great? Well, there is one man you must know about. Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Yes, he is the man you see on the brand still today. Sanders faced many failures and rejections in life but in the end, made the world a better place. In this issue, we will read about the inspiring story behind one of the most famous fast food brands in the world. Early Life & Career: Colonel Harland David Sanders was born in 1890 and was the oldest of three siblings. When he was six years old, his father passed away and his mother would work during the day leaving Sanders to cook and care for his siblings. By the age of 7, Sanders was reportedly skilled with cooking. Later when his mother remarried, he did not enjoy a good relationship with his step-father and in seventh grade at age 13, he dropped out of school and left home to go work

ISRO's Inspiring Journey

Today we draw inspiration, not from an individual but an organisation. The organisation is perhaps the most successful enterprise in the private or public sector in India. It is an organisation which has not only reached the skies but has also catapulted India's image and standing in the world. Yes, the organisation is ISRO or Indian Space Research Organisation. In this issue, we will talk about this organisation and how it has managed to make name for itself, in the face of all challenges. Humble beginnings: Indian Space Research Organisation, formed in 1969, superseded the erstwhile INCOSPAR (est. 1962). Dr Vikram Sarabhai was the person who identified the role and importance of space technology in a nation's development. He was instrumental in setting up of organisation and providing ISRO with the necessary direction to function as an agent of development. ISRO then embarked on its mission to provide the nation with space-based services and to develop the technol

Inspirational Story - Palam Kalyanasundaram

Inspirational Story: Most of us would crib about shelling out a few hundred rupees for charity. But how about donating the entire's life's earning for the well-being of others? Our inspiration for this month is a person who has given a new meaning to the word charity. Please read the full article to know about Mr Palam Kalyanasundaram. You will be surprised to know that such is this person's level of service, humility and simplicity that even the megastar Rajnikanth has adopted him as his father. Early life: No words can describe the beauty of this man’s kindness. Palam was born in Melakarivelamkulam, Tamil Nadu. Born to a humble family, Palam lost his father when he was just a year old. It was a small village with just 30 houses then with no roads, no buses, no school, no electricity and not even a petty shop. Palam studied in the light of a kerosene lamp or by candlelight till he was about ten years old. After completing school, he was determined to pursue a

Life long Lessons for Investors

Life long Lessons for Investors Successful investors have a lot to share from their experiences which goes beyond just numbers. Almost every such person would agree that investment success is linked much more to investor behaviour and investment approach more than anything else in investing. It practically has nothing to do with choosing best performing products or market timing but everything to do with how you see and manage things over time. The following are a few of the priceless lessons that successful investors often share with others. Big picture: You don’t want to look at one little piece of the pie. As an investor, you should always have a big picture in your mind whenever you are assessing your investments. The big picture is looking at your entire net-worth and cash flows. This takes into consideration all your assets and liabilities in mind, plus all your incomes and expenses. It should also take into consideration the risks that you are facing, both phy

Ways to lose money

Guaranteed ways to lose money  There are exist a lot of products or should we say things or habits that lead to wealth destruction. Every product and asset class has its unique features, but it is important to understand that every asset class is different from the other and is having its own peculiar risks. If you play with an asset class in the wrong way, it can destruct your wealth in a big way rather than creating it for you. Let's have a look at some of the practices, which help in losing money Day Trading Day trading, simply put is the activity of buying and selling the shares on a single day without taking any deliveries with a purpose to gain from the daily volatility in the stock prices. Day trading is the most common practice followed by new entrants into Equity investing. This would also apply to people who buy on deliver but to hold it only for a few days or weeks to benefit from trend movement. There are many so-called experts and even coaching institution