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Little short story on life

Every once in a while, all of us feel let down or demotivated in work. At such times, we look for inspiration or some valuable lessons from those around us and some even actively search for same over the internet. Having a constant source of inspiration and constantly learning and growing personally is what drives us to achieve more in life.
However, life's valuable lessons can be found everywhere, even in some acts of people and in small things happening around us all the time. Thus, this month, we thought of taking a break from inspiring biographies and take look at small stories that are sure to touch our hearts and leave us with some valuable lessons to learn. Read on the stories and find your own life's lessons in each of them.
1. A dish of ice-cream.
Once a shabbily clothed 12 year boy went to a small hotel and sat at the table. The waiter put a glass of water in front of him and asked for his order.
“How much is the ice-cream with fruits?”
“Rs.50” said the waiter.
The little boy pulled out coins from his pocket and counted the money he had.
“How much is the plain ice-cream?” he again inquired. The waiter was a bit impatient by this time and answered “Rs.40” with a straight face.
The boy counted the money again and said “I will have the plain ice-cream”.
The waiter bought the ice-cream, put it on the table along with a bill and quickly left. The boy finished the ice-cream, paid the cashier at the counter and left.
As the waiter went back to the table, he was deeply humbled. Neatly placed besides the empty dish was Rs.10 in coins. That was his tip from the little boy.
2. The blind girl
Once there was a blind girl who hated herself for being blind. The only one she loved was her loving boy-friend. She said that if she could see the world again, we would marry him.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. Now she could see everyone, including her boy-friend. However, after seeing her boy-friend, she was shocked. Her boy-friend too turned out to be blind. At the proposal of marriage, she thought a while and rejected the marriage proposal from her boy-friend.
 That was heart-breaking for the man who loved her. He cried a lot and left with a parting note “at least please take care of my eyes”.
3. Building your home
 Once a carpenter decided to retire from his work after many years of service. His boss, did not wish that his best carpenter retire. The boss thus requested his man to build a last house before he left the job.
The carpenter agreed to build this last house on request. However, slowly as he progressed with his work, he was not really as interested as he should have been. He was more interested in getting free from work soonest. He thus started to skip corners, use low quality materials and basically did an average work to finish his final task early.
 Finally, after the work was complete, his boss handed over the keys to the newly completed house to him and said “this is my gift to you”. The carpenter wasn't really as happy as he should have been.
4. The Camel at Zoo
Once a little girl and her mother were visiting a zoo. The little girl was pretty intrigued by a tall looking camel in front of her.
“What are those large humps for?” The little girl asked her mother.
“They are for storing water in desert” said the mother.
“What are the big eye lashes for?”, asked the little girl again.
“They are for protecting the eyes in the desert during strong winds” the mother replied.
 “What the are big hoofs for”, the little girl asked.
“They are for walking easily on desert sands”, the mother calmly replied.
“If the camel belongs to a desert, what is it doing at the zoo?” was the little girl's last question.
5. The star-fish story
Once an old man was walking by the sea side in the morning. The sea was scattered with countless star-fishes on the shore for as far as he could see. Soon he spotted a little boy picking up the star-fishes and throwing them in the sea water.
“What are you doing with the star-fishes?” asked the old man.
“I am trying to get these star-fishes to the sea. They will all die when the sun comes out strongly” replied the boy who was still busy throwing star-fishes into the sea.
“There are so many star-fishes over the entire beach. You will not be able to make any difference.” said the old man.
“Yes, it does” said the boy and then threw the star-fish into the sea saying “to this one”. He picked up another star-fish and said “and to this one too” while throwing it into the sea.


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