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Showing posts with the label Inspirational Story

Little short story on life

Every once in a while, all of us feel let down or demotivated in work. At such times, we look for inspiration or some valuable lessons from those around us and some even actively search for same over the internet. Having a constant source of inspiration and constantly learning and growing personally is what drives us to achieve more in life. However, life's valuable lessons can be found everywhere, even in some acts of people and in small things happening around us all the time. Thus, this month, we thought of taking a break from inspiring biographies and take look at small stories that are sure to touch our hearts and leave us with some valuable lessons to learn. Read on the stories and find your own life's lessons in each of them. 1.   A dish of ice-cream. Once a shabbily clothed 12 year boy went to a small hotel and sat at the table. The waiter put a glass of water in front of him and asked for his order. “How much is the ice-cream with fruits?” “Rs.50” said the

The Blind CEO Who Changed Destiny

The inspiring story of Srikanth Bolla If the "world looks at me and says, 'You can do nothing,' I look back at the world and say I can do anything." The luckiest person alive: Srikanth Bolla is the CEO of Hyderabad-based Bollant Industries, a company that manufactures eco-friendly, disposable consumer packaging solutions. But he is not your usual entrepreneur or CEO. Srikanth was born in a village near Machilipatnam, a small city in Andhra Pradesh in a farming family. When he was born villagers suggested his parents to smother him. To smother means to kill someone by suffocating by covering nose & mouth. Reason being, Srikanth was born without eyes. Srikanth's parents had a big dilemma in their hands. Would they let their child suffer all his life without eyes, as prophesied by many, or let him live his life? Everyone else called the little boy names like burden, useless. Fortunately, Srikanth's parents who were uneducated, poor and earning jus

The First Female Amputee To Climb Mount Everest !!

ARUNIMA SINHA Hello everyone. I wish to thank you all for the opportunity to come and speak at this big platform provided by NJ. I am not going to talk about anything related to business but to share my experience of every important moment of my life. I am today 28 years old and I have fulfilled every commitment I have made in my life. Else I don't make any commitment unless I decide to complete it. Some of you may be aware of the problems in face of which I have achieved my goals. The Unfortunate Event: In 2011, I was traveling from Lucknow to Delhi in Train for a job interview. Near Bareilly station, some people in general compartment started looting the passengers. I was also sitting there and when they tried to snatch my gold chain. No one dare objected to these men to what they were doing. But, being a seven time national volleyball player, the feeling of the sportsperson within me made me fight them. Within a minute or two, I found myself being carried by fou

The New Age Role Model - Virat Kohli

If there is one individual who is a role model for almost every individual, it has to be Viral Kohli. Virat has today captured the imagination of the entire country. He has already achieved a lot but still has many more years left. This month's issue, we look at what makes Virat truly “Vira” (huge) in the game that entire nation follows. The Rise: Virat today has the entire nation's following, is warmly adored by his fans while oppositions truly fear him. His rise from a humble background to a cricketing superstar has not been less than an inspiration. From the struggling days in junior cricket to making a mark in the national cricket team and later becoming the captain, is no easy task and his entire journey has been before us. Kohli's love for cricket was visible from very early age when, as a three-year old kid, he would pick up a cricket bat, start swinging it and ask his father to bowl at him. Kohli's father took Kohli to a professional cricket academy af

Life Without Limbs: Nick Vujicic

Imagine yourself getting through a single day without one arm or leg. Now imagine yourselves living a life without any arms or legs. We probably won't even dare to dream such a scenario. In this issue's inspirational story, we look at Nick who is not only living a worthy life but also inspiring and transforming the lives of others. Early Life: Nicholas Vujicic was born 4 th  December 1982 in Melbourne, Australia to Serbian immigrants from Yugoslavia. He was born without any limbs, a very rare medical condition called tetra-amelia syndrome. After birth, even his mother refused to see or hold him after the nurse brought the newborn child to him. Finally, she and her husband accepted him “as God's plan for their son”. Originally, he was born with the toes of one foot fused in a leg. An operation was performed to separate it into two toes so that it could be used to hold things together. The early days were very difficult for Nick. Right during his childhood, Nick no

ISRO's Inspiring Journey

Today we draw inspiration, not from an individual but an organisation. The organisation is perhaps the most successful enterprise in the private or public sector in India. It is an organisation which has not only reached the skies but has also catapulted India's image and standing in the world. Yes, the organisation is ISRO or Indian Space Research Organisation. In this issue, we will talk about this organisation and how it has managed to make name for itself, in the face of all challenges. Humble beginnings: Indian Space Research Organisation, formed in 1969, superseded the erstwhile INCOSPAR (est. 1962). Dr Vikram Sarabhai was the person who identified the role and importance of space technology in a nation's development. He was instrumental in setting up of organisation and providing ISRO with the necessary direction to function as an agent of development. ISRO then embarked on its mission to provide the nation with space-based services and to develop the technol

Inspirational Story - Palam Kalyanasundaram

Inspirational Story: Most of us would crib about shelling out a few hundred rupees for charity. But how about donating the entire's life's earning for the well-being of others? Our inspiration for this month is a person who has given a new meaning to the word charity. Please read the full article to know about Mr Palam Kalyanasundaram. You will be surprised to know that such is this person's level of service, humility and simplicity that even the megastar Rajnikanth has adopted him as his father. Early life: No words can describe the beauty of this man’s kindness. Palam was born in Melakarivelamkulam, Tamil Nadu. Born to a humble family, Palam lost his father when he was just a year old. It was a small village with just 30 houses then with no roads, no buses, no school, no electricity and not even a petty shop. Palam studied in the light of a kerosene lamp or by candlelight till he was about ten years old. After completing school, he was determined to pursue a